Friday, July 25, 2008

As the countdown to o-week begins, I also realize that I will be graduated, with my diploma in hand, this time next year. Ugh. I had a big talk with my mom the other day about what I am going to do post-grad and it mostly revolved around me saying "I don't know". I do know I am going to Europe on vacation. That in itself is a given. But what then? Go right to grad school for my masters? Work? Go back to Japan?

The job I have now has given me a lot of connections into the produce industry with companies based all over north america and maybe that will lead to something. The more I hear dad talk about the shipping and all the different companies and needs that they have makes me yearn for my masters so that I can go out and know what I am doing. Thus, my prereqs for a job are: something that is a challenge, allows for travel, pays well, and allows for advancement. Simple, eh? I was in the Koffler centre for a Dr's appt this week and I passed by their career centre and an ad for job finding for graduates.

OMG, in less than a year I will be a graduate. No more work at Burwash, no more VCDS, no more rez. I will need a job, a life, a place to live (aka mom and dad's). This is both exciting and frightening. Most of the time I wish it would just hurry up and get here. I want to go back to Japan, but not with JET. I don't want to teach. I would like to go to South America and see the industries there. I know a lot of people in Europe, so maybe there?

In terms of school, courses are all chosen- 3 more credits and I get my EAS Specialist! Courses thus far are:

History of Hong Kong
State and Society in 20th cent China
Colonialism and Sexuality
Lovers and Madmen in Chinese Lit
Modern Japanese Colonialism

and I think there is one more in there....hmmmmm. I forget. Yay senility!

Tomorrow BBQ at the house, Sunday is Wonderland, and then just several more weeks until the ominous Dead Week. Joyous!

and PS- saw Mamma Mia! the movie- really enjoyed it, but Pierce Brosnan singing is scary. But he is still hot shirtless.

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